Welcome to my world!: Big Is Beautiful!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Is Beautiful!

Oooook! This is my 1st time and I've never blogged before so pardon me if I sound rather dumb or whatever. I know I've got a loooooong way to go before I would finally master the art of blogging but hell, who cares right? As long as I'm happy, you're happy, it's ALL good!

So, about me.. You all shall know me as chubbybabygal and as you might have already figured out (like DOH!) I'm chubby by name and chubby by nature! Other than that, I'm just your average girl trying to make sense of this senseless world and having fun while I'm at it..

It's not easy being chubby in this frivolous and increasingly superficial world where a person's self worth is dictated by their physical appearance. To me that's ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! No one should be judged by the way they look. In fact, no one should b judged PERIOD! Why? Why should ANYONE be judged? No one's perfect and that is exactly what's making us human.. So why are we dehumanizing (does that word even exist?) ourselves??

Ultimately, I believe it's not about how you look that matters, it's all about who you are as a person. Everyone is after all, beautiful and unique in their own way... Irregardless of age, race, size or gender.

So this goes out to all my fellow chubby sisters out there.. NEVER EVER feel like you're LESS of a person than anyone else! You're beautiful and I mean it! Don't ever let anyone tell u any different. So go on out, live your life, have fun, kick a few hater's asses and tell them that big gals are here to stay!


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