Welcome to my world!: 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Christmas!

Ahhh... It's that time of the year again. Christmas time have always been one of my favorite holidays. No, it's not just because of all the food and presents (although it IS a bonus! ahahaha) but its just the spirit of the season. In fact,I hardly EVER get any Christmas presents but to me, having my health and having my family and loved ones around me beats any present anyone could ever give. Ok, I'm lying. Ahaahahaha... Its nice to have ALL that AND presents too... Let's be honest here.. Christmas feels so much better when you get presents!

Well, I'll be celebrating my Christmas in Miri this year and it would be something new for me. I've never really celebrated Christmas before. Not on a large scale where I have friends coming over for a Christmas visit and all. It have always been a small family affair and since Christmas coincides with my mom's birthday, it have always been all about her. And ever since my dad passed away three years ago, we're never really celebrated anything. Not even birthdays. I guess it just gets too sad for me and my mom.

I am feeling a little guilty for leaving my mom back home to come to Miri. I'm sure she would get pretty lonely.. I just needed a change of scenery. I HAD to get out to preserve my sanity. 2009 have been a pretty crazy year for me. Too many things have happened and it all affected me deeply. I need a change. I need some breathing room and since my financial situation didn't allow me to embark upon some grand travel plan, Miri was the obvious option. It's far enough and I have relatives to crash with. Whatever works right?

What are YOUR plans for Christmas? Mine's pretty simple. My cousins holds an open house every year for their friends and relatives and well wishers.. so I guess I'll be doing what THEY're doing. We've been preparing for it since last week. Everyday involves cookie making and cake baking. I'm trying my level best to avoid the house cleaning because I absolutely HATE to clean.. the cooking and baking I don't mind.. Afterall, who's going to lick the whisks? Ahahahahaha.

It's safe to say that preparations are coming along just fine and it would be Christmas really really soon. I'm taking this to wish all of you a happy happy Christmas that's filled with joy and love and all things good. May you get all that you wish for and don't forget, it's the season to give.. So go right ahead and give your loved ones a whole lot of loving... It's the season to love afterall.. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

MAS Wings Sux!

I recently flew to Miri and was unfortunate enough to book myself on a MAS Wings Fokker aircraft. I personally have no problems with the aircraft per se, but it does get rather uncomfortable for a big girl like myself.

To begin with, I almost missed my flight because the damn 'Mr. X' told me he was coming to my house to return my stuff (as you can see, I'm still working really hard to get my stuff back). Surprise surprise! Mr. X never showed up. When I called him up, he said he would meet me at the airport.. I feel so dumb believing him! Because, yup, you guessed it! He NEVER showed! Aaaarrggghhhh!!! He had the balls to keep telling me to give him a few more minutes and that he's already close to the airport... He said that EVERYTIME I called him up to asked him if he was coming. I mean, if he wasn't going to show up at all then WHY WHY WHY play me like a fool like that?

Anyways, because I kept waiting for the damn Mr.X like the dumbass that I was, they had to announce my name asking for my immediate boarding. It was pretty embarrassing! To make things worse, I really needed to go to the toilet so I just went. I would not be able to make it till after take off if I didn't go right away! Once I was done, I had to practically run like a mad woman to board my flight and the fact that they were repeatedly announcing my name over the PA system was making me cringe in embarrassment!

Since the damn plane was a Fokker, boarding takes place OUTSIDE the airport terminal on the airfield itself. As I was running towards the plane, I could see the looks on the pilots' and air hostesses' face. It was a mixture of annoyance and I don't know.. call me paranoid but I think they were sharing a private laugh at my expense. I guess the sight of a chubby girl running all out of breath towards a plane struck them as funny. Well whatever! I was a paying passenger and I deserve equal respect as anybody else.

Well, why I hate the Fokker? It's because it's not exactly chubby friendly! The isles are narrow, seats are slightly smaller than a wider bodied aircraft and horror of horrors! The seat belt does not fit! Yes my dear friends.. I COULD NOT buckle my seat belt. Of course, being a seasoned traveller I didn't let this bother me even if I was dying of humiliation inside because some fellow passengers were already looking at me and im sure were already passing nasty judgements. I just calmly stopped a passing air hostess and asked her nicely for an extension. She graciously told me not to worry and gave one to me right? WRONG! Well.. she did eventually give it to me but not before sighing like I'm asking her to climb Mount Everest. Oh, that and frowning like I just asked her to strip for me. Hell lady! It's your JOB! Get on with the program already!

I really don't understand. Was it prejudice I experienced? Was it because I was fat? Or was it just because these airline workers are just mean people? I mean, isn't it their job to take care of passengers? Yes I was late but does that give them the right to be rude? I think it's much much much easier to smile than to frown. It takes more effort to frown so why bother?

I understand the job of a cabin crew could get really exhausting but try and be professional. All that needs to be done is just BE NICE. Throw away whatever prejudice you have inside of you. We're all equals here. *sigh*

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Love Having Fun: Rainforest World Music Festival

I guess this could be considered the 3rd leg of the adventure my cousin Joanna and I embarked upon.. It all started from The Perhentians then the Full Moon Party in Thailand and this is a finale of sorts of our so called great adventure!

The Rainforest World Music Festival is an annual 3-day music festival held in my home town of Kuching, Sarawak. The festival (we call it RainFest) features daytime music workshops, cultural displays, food stalls and of course the main stage evening concerts! RainFest features performers from all over the world playing from traditional music, to world fusion and contemporary world music. It's not your average rock concert for sure!

Set in the grounds of the Sarawak Cultural Village against the backdrop of Mount Santubong, the location couldn't be more perfect. Afterall, what is RainFest without the rainforest right?  Being one of the largest music festival in Malaysia, RainFest attracts audience from around the world (eye candy galore!!). I don't know the exact number of people who attended the event and I'm too lazy to Google it up (oh no, my true colors are starting to shine through! Ahahah), but by my estimation there could easily be about 30,000 people there. It was awesome!

Everyone comes with only one goal in mind, to have fun fun fun! I know I certainly did. I made new friends, danced, ate, drank and be merry! I'm telling you about my 2008 RainFest escapade instead of the more recent 2009 one because I didn't have too good a time this year. Maybe the performers wasn't too interesting or it could just be the company I had that didn't live up to my expectation. I think it was the company. Ahahahahaha. The company you keep is fundamental to the kind of fun you have and I was lucky to have and to have made wonderful acquaintances. People who knows how to enjoy life and live it to the fullest... Just like me! Okay okay.. I'm blowing my won horn a little.. but hey, if I don't blow my own horn, who's going to do it for me? Right? Hehehehehe.

Anyways, RainFest 2008 was a blast! And for the 1st time it actually RAINED but that didn't stop anyone from enjoying themselves. In fact, playing in the rain and mud added to the fun. Seriously! It kind of make me feel like a happy pig rolling around in the mud. Okay I didn't exactly ROLLED around in the mud but heck I DID get all muddy... It was all good fun!

All in all, RainFest was a blast. I enjoyed it immensely and even if I attended the event every year it is still exciting. The people, the music, the spirit, I really can't explain the feeling. You have to experience it for yourself. So yes, RainFest 2010, here we come!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Love Having Fun: Thailand

I promised a post about my trip to Thailand. Well here it is..

My cousin Joanna and I left the Perhentians with a heavy heart and boarded our plane to Koh Samui, Thailand. Koh Samui is the third largest island in Thailand after Phuket and Koh Chang. It have been getting mixed reviews from travelers.. The hardcore nature lovers think the island is being ravaged by development and I'll have to agree. It's a beautiful island but it really is starting to get too crowded. I came to Koh Samui for the 1st time in 2004 and the difference between then and now is staggering! It's starting to get too commercial and touristy on the verge of tackiness. Why do you think I could never be bothered to visit Phuket or Pattaya? These places have already been ravaged by development and have lost its rustic natural island paradise feel. It really is sad.

Any how, Koh Samui have not deteriorated as much so I'm still loving the place. Lovely beaches n coastline to enjoy during the day and plenty to do during the night. The night life here is wonderful! Every night is a party... And I sure do love to party!

Well, our main reason for coming to Thailand was for the ever famous Full Moon Party. You guessed it, it's held EVERY full moon. Yup, Full Moon Parties are held every month on Haad Rin Beach on the neighbouring island of Koh Pha Ngan. An average of 10,000 people from all over the world would converge on this beach every full moon to party their heads off! The party typically starts at about 4pm and ends at about 9am the next day. Now THAT is what we call hardcore partying! It's crazy!

Getting drunk during Full Moon is relatively cheap and easy. They sell alcohols by the bucket (literally) and it cost RM16 per bucket. Of course the prices increases as the night progresses and people gets progressively drunk but  it's still all good! Where else could you get a bucket of Smirnoff for under RM30? So what do I say? I say hell yeah!! Bring on the buckets!!

I must have had like a gazillion buckets that night. I lost count after my fifth. Met a lot of people whom I was too drunk to remember but it was still fun none the less. Hahahaha. At least as drunk as I was, I didn't get caught in any compromising situation unlike someone... *laughing manically* So yes people, I had crazy fun in Thailand and I hope to do it again sometime soon. Cheers!

p/s: You can check some videos of full moon parties on you tube.. Here's the one I attended... I wish I know how to upload videos directly to my blog but since I'm still a blogging newbie and until I figure out how to do it, this link would just have to do. Enjoy! FULL MOON PARTY, June 2008

Guy Trouble!

 Aaaahhhh boys! Boys boys boys! I love boys as much as any other girls. In fact, I have this problem of compulsively loving too much. Maybe that is what ultimately leads to my downfall relationship wise? *sigh* Oh I don't know.. You certainly can't accuse me of not giving it my all though.. That's for sure.

Anyways, I'm in the middle of some serious guy related crisis right now. I recently broke up with this guy (let's just call him X) I've been dating for the past year and a half. Breaking up sucks but hey, if it's not working out there's nothing much I can do right? X was a compulsive liar, cheater and user (gee, looks like I wasn't the only one in the relationship that's compulsive.. haha!). I just HAD to opt out to preserve my sanity, dignity and self esteem.

Now that I've broken up, the drama must be over right? If that was what I thought when I broke up with him, boy oh boy was I wrong! In fact, now that we're broken up, the drama is HEATING up! Sheeeessshhh... Why does this make me feel like I'm stuck in some kind of cheap daytime soap opera? Somebody please shoot me!

Okay, what is the problem you ask? Well, let's start with my stuff.. I've been trying to get back all my stuff that is currently in his possession. To no avail! Why the hell is he still keeping my stuff? Give it back mister!! He even still have my house keys which is very worrisome. I've been asking him in the nicest possible way to return all my property but it's just falling on deaf ears. It is so frustrating! And that's just my stuff.. What about the money that he owed? And not to mention my CAR?? I've been rideless for the past TWO months because X just had to go and crash it. Sure, he said he would pay to get it fixed.. Well, I'm STILL WAITING! The car is still in the workshop, sitting there waiting to be taken home... It have been ready for the past month and a half! But why the hell is it still there? It's because wonderful X never came up with the money to pay for it! I personally DO NOT have that kind of money. I don't have a special tree in my backyard that grows money. That explains why I'm always such a careful and responsible driver! I can't afford to crash my car.

So, what do I do now? How do I get myself out of this sticky situation? I wish I could just say f*ck it and forget everything but as much as I want to, I can't! It's my stuff! My money! My car! These stuff didn't just fall from the sky. I worked hard to get it. So yes, I WANT IT BACK! Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Love Having Fun: The Perhentian Islands

Yes that is absolutely true. I LOVE to have fun. I NEVER let my size stop me from ever having fun. So, what IS my idea of fun? It honestly depends on my mood! Yes I'll have to admit that i could be very fickle. What I consider fun now I might consider boring next week. That's just the kind of person I am. I can't help it. Maybe I've some undiagnosed ADD/ADHD. I don't know. Think what you like. Hahahaha.

Traveling have always been a big passion of mine and my absolute favorite place to go is the beach. I'm a beach bum and a water baby at heart! I just really love the sun, sea, sand and surf..

Not too long ago, my cousin Joanna and I decided to give ourselves a treat and took a trip to the Perhentian Islands off the coast of Terengganu. It was pure heaven! Imagine crystal clear waters and beautiful white sandy beaches.... *sigh* Bliss!

The Perhentians consists of two islands, Pulau Perhentian Besar and Pulau Perhentian Kecil. Our choice was Pulau Perhentian Kecil which coincidentally is famous for being a backpacker's paradise. You get backpackers from all over the globe here. That scored MAJOR plus points from us. Hey, a girl needs some SERIOUS eye candy when she's on vacation after all!

Life on the island was blissfully simple.. Days were spent vegetating on the beach, swimming, snorkeling, watching people and making new friends... And in the night time, after dinner, everyone would hang out at the beach bars along the shoreline..  drinking, talking and generally being merry! Everything was so uncomplicated. It kind of make me wish that everyday is a holiday.. *sigh*

Initially we just thought of being in the Perhentians for about 3 days but I guess the island had different plans for us! We ended up staying for a week! The only reason we left was because we had to catch our flight to Thailand to catch the ever famous Full Moon Party.. and that, my dear friend is another story... So watch out for my next post!


What Next?

Yes, what next? Now that I've got my blog up and running, what next? What is it that I've got to say that might interest anyone? Honestly, I don't know. All I know is, I'm here to share my mind, my views, my opinions, my feelings e.t.c..

It's not easy being chubby in a world that idolizes all things superficial. Discrimination is everywhere! Hell, I can't even go into a clothing store and buy clothes that I like. Nothing fits! What's that all about? Only skinny girls get to wear clothes and big girls like us should walk around naked? It's really silly. Why can't retailers carry plus sizes? Will they die if they carry beyond a size L?

And please oh puh-leeeeeze do NOT get me started about the sizing in this country... Even the XL is tiny! What's up with that? I have a friend who wears a size L here in Malaysia who went over to the US and was shocked to find out that she fits into a size S! Can you imagine? It really is sad. I would love to be able to walk into a store and pick out whatever I wanted just like any other girls.

Has anyone noticed the total lack of plus size stores in Malaysia? I mean, where are we supposed to go buy clothes? Not everyone could afford to travel overseas to shop. The few plus size stores that DO exist here mostly caters to the OLDER demographic.. Are they trying to tell us that just because we're plus sized we should dress like our grandmothers?? Hell, even MY grandmother wears jeans.

I am proud to say that I'm one big gal who does NOT conform to how society think I should dress.. I wear what I want, whenever I want. I'm lucky in the sense that i occasionally could travel out of Malaysia and stock up on clothes but it gets really frustrating because I can't exactly travel JUST to go get new clothes now can I? Money doesn't grow on trees after all.

Now let's talk about boys. Don't you just hate it that we big gals have a hard time getting boyfriends just because of our size? It's ridiculous! That's the problem with our society.. They always equate our larger bodies to ugliness. What happened to our personality? Our intelligence? Our good heart? Is that not more important? Besides, who said big girls are ugly? I personally know A LOT of big babes who are drop dead gorgeous with a beautiful personality to boot and because of our extra 'padding' we feel DAMN GOOD to hold too! Not to mention we would also age more gracefully than our smaller counterparts! Our extra fat makes sure of that. Woohoo!

I've had my fair share of guys who would reject me by saying being my size is unhealthy and they do not want to be with unhealthy people. That's bullshit! My health is perfect. I'm NOT saying that all big girls have perfect health, but then again not ALL skinny people have perfect health either. That's just how life is... I personally do not waste my time with shallow superficial guys. If they want to be with skinny girls then go right ahead. It's their own personal taste and choice... Just PLEASE do not put me down!

Well, enough with the depressing stuff. There's no point whining about how unfair the world is and how people should be accepting of us. What WE can do is, accept ourselves for who and what we are.. We NEED to love ourselves first before anyone could learn to love us. So girls... start embracing your chubbiness and love yourselves.. There's nothing sexier than a lady who's comfortable in her own skin.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Is Beautiful!

Oooook! This is my 1st time and I've never blogged before so pardon me if I sound rather dumb or whatever. I know I've got a loooooong way to go before I would finally master the art of blogging but hell, who cares right? As long as I'm happy, you're happy, it's ALL good!

So, about me.. You all shall know me as chubbybabygal and as you might have already figured out (like DOH!) I'm chubby by name and chubby by nature! Other than that, I'm just your average girl trying to make sense of this senseless world and having fun while I'm at it..

It's not easy being chubby in this frivolous and increasingly superficial world where a person's self worth is dictated by their physical appearance. To me that's ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! No one should be judged by the way they look. In fact, no one should b judged PERIOD! Why? Why should ANYONE be judged? No one's perfect and that is exactly what's making us human.. So why are we dehumanizing (does that word even exist?) ourselves??

Ultimately, I believe it's not about how you look that matters, it's all about who you are as a person. Everyone is after all, beautiful and unique in their own way... Irregardless of age, race, size or gender.

So this goes out to all my fellow chubby sisters out there.. NEVER EVER feel like you're LESS of a person than anyone else! You're beautiful and I mean it! Don't ever let anyone tell u any different. So go on out, live your life, have fun, kick a few hater's asses and tell them that big gals are here to stay!
