Welcome to my world!: Guy Trouble!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Guy Trouble!

 Aaaahhhh boys! Boys boys boys! I love boys as much as any other girls. In fact, I have this problem of compulsively loving too much. Maybe that is what ultimately leads to my downfall relationship wise? *sigh* Oh I don't know.. You certainly can't accuse me of not giving it my all though.. That's for sure.

Anyways, I'm in the middle of some serious guy related crisis right now. I recently broke up with this guy (let's just call him X) I've been dating for the past year and a half. Breaking up sucks but hey, if it's not working out there's nothing much I can do right? X was a compulsive liar, cheater and user (gee, looks like I wasn't the only one in the relationship that's compulsive.. haha!). I just HAD to opt out to preserve my sanity, dignity and self esteem.

Now that I've broken up, the drama must be over right? If that was what I thought when I broke up with him, boy oh boy was I wrong! In fact, now that we're broken up, the drama is HEATING up! Sheeeessshhh... Why does this make me feel like I'm stuck in some kind of cheap daytime soap opera? Somebody please shoot me!

Okay, what is the problem you ask? Well, let's start with my stuff.. I've been trying to get back all my stuff that is currently in his possession. To no avail! Why the hell is he still keeping my stuff? Give it back mister!! He even still have my house keys which is very worrisome. I've been asking him in the nicest possible way to return all my property but it's just falling on deaf ears. It is so frustrating! And that's just my stuff.. What about the money that he owed? And not to mention my CAR?? I've been rideless for the past TWO months because X just had to go and crash it. Sure, he said he would pay to get it fixed.. Well, I'm STILL WAITING! The car is still in the workshop, sitting there waiting to be taken home... It have been ready for the past month and a half! But why the hell is it still there? It's because wonderful X never came up with the money to pay for it! I personally DO NOT have that kind of money. I don't have a special tree in my backyard that grows money. That explains why I'm always such a careful and responsible driver! I can't afford to crash my car.

So, what do I do now? How do I get myself out of this sticky situation? I wish I could just say f*ck it and forget everything but as much as I want to, I can't! It's my stuff! My money! My car! These stuff didn't just fall from the sky. I worked hard to get it. So yes, I WANT IT BACK! Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!!

1 comment:

  1. So many things have gone wrong with this relationship; looks like you were bribing him with a lot of goodies to stay!

    For your own good make a police report immediately detailing everything. At least Mr. X will know that he will be the main suspect incase you are harmed or any of your property is damaged in the future.

    The wisest thing to do will be to change all the locks of your house & car including remote controls, even if he returns the keys there is a possibility he has made duplicates of it.

    Isn’t your car covered by insurance?

    You will find somebody worthy of you. Life is too short for regrets move on as soon as you can. Who said BIG isn't beautiful!

