Welcome to my world!: It's Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Christmas!

Ahhh... It's that time of the year again. Christmas time have always been one of my favorite holidays. No, it's not just because of all the food and presents (although it IS a bonus! ahahaha) but its just the spirit of the season. In fact,I hardly EVER get any Christmas presents but to me, having my health and having my family and loved ones around me beats any present anyone could ever give. Ok, I'm lying. Ahaahahaha... Its nice to have ALL that AND presents too... Let's be honest here.. Christmas feels so much better when you get presents!

Well, I'll be celebrating my Christmas in Miri this year and it would be something new for me. I've never really celebrated Christmas before. Not on a large scale where I have friends coming over for a Christmas visit and all. It have always been a small family affair and since Christmas coincides with my mom's birthday, it have always been all about her. And ever since my dad passed away three years ago, we're never really celebrated anything. Not even birthdays. I guess it just gets too sad for me and my mom.

I am feeling a little guilty for leaving my mom back home to come to Miri. I'm sure she would get pretty lonely.. I just needed a change of scenery. I HAD to get out to preserve my sanity. 2009 have been a pretty crazy year for me. Too many things have happened and it all affected me deeply. I need a change. I need some breathing room and since my financial situation didn't allow me to embark upon some grand travel plan, Miri was the obvious option. It's far enough and I have relatives to crash with. Whatever works right?

What are YOUR plans for Christmas? Mine's pretty simple. My cousins holds an open house every year for their friends and relatives and well wishers.. so I guess I'll be doing what THEY're doing. We've been preparing for it since last week. Everyday involves cookie making and cake baking. I'm trying my level best to avoid the house cleaning because I absolutely HATE to clean.. the cooking and baking I don't mind.. Afterall, who's going to lick the whisks? Ahahahahaha.

It's safe to say that preparations are coming along just fine and it would be Christmas really really soon. I'm taking this to wish all of you a happy happy Christmas that's filled with joy and love and all things good. May you get all that you wish for and don't forget, it's the season to give.. So go right ahead and give your loved ones a whole lot of loving... It's the season to love afterall.. Merry Christmas!

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