Welcome to my world!: I Love Having Fun: Rainforest World Music Festival

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Love Having Fun: Rainforest World Music Festival

I guess this could be considered the 3rd leg of the adventure my cousin Joanna and I embarked upon.. It all started from The Perhentians then the Full Moon Party in Thailand and this is a finale of sorts of our so called great adventure!

The Rainforest World Music Festival is an annual 3-day music festival held in my home town of Kuching, Sarawak. The festival (we call it RainFest) features daytime music workshops, cultural displays, food stalls and of course the main stage evening concerts! RainFest features performers from all over the world playing from traditional music, to world fusion and contemporary world music. It's not your average rock concert for sure!

Set in the grounds of the Sarawak Cultural Village against the backdrop of Mount Santubong, the location couldn't be more perfect. Afterall, what is RainFest without the rainforest right?  Being one of the largest music festival in Malaysia, RainFest attracts audience from around the world (eye candy galore!!). I don't know the exact number of people who attended the event and I'm too lazy to Google it up (oh no, my true colors are starting to shine through! Ahahah), but by my estimation there could easily be about 30,000 people there. It was awesome!

Everyone comes with only one goal in mind, to have fun fun fun! I know I certainly did. I made new friends, danced, ate, drank and be merry! I'm telling you about my 2008 RainFest escapade instead of the more recent 2009 one because I didn't have too good a time this year. Maybe the performers wasn't too interesting or it could just be the company I had that didn't live up to my expectation. I think it was the company. Ahahahahaha. The company you keep is fundamental to the kind of fun you have and I was lucky to have and to have made wonderful acquaintances. People who knows how to enjoy life and live it to the fullest... Just like me! Okay okay.. I'm blowing my won horn a little.. but hey, if I don't blow my own horn, who's going to do it for me? Right? Hehehehehe.

Anyways, RainFest 2008 was a blast! And for the 1st time it actually RAINED but that didn't stop anyone from enjoying themselves. In fact, playing in the rain and mud added to the fun. Seriously! It kind of make me feel like a happy pig rolling around in the mud. Okay I didn't exactly ROLLED around in the mud but heck I DID get all muddy... It was all good fun!

All in all, RainFest was a blast. I enjoyed it immensely and even if I attended the event every year it is still exciting. The people, the music, the spirit, I really can't explain the feeling. You have to experience it for yourself. So yes, RainFest 2010, here we come!!!

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